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roll forming tiles(51-380-760)



A Function and feature
This producing line uses galvanized steel sheet, colored armor plate or aluminum plate as the material plate. The products of it are used as the roof tile and wall panel outside of building, to increase the beauty and durability of the roof tile and wall panel. This line has no limit on processing length; you can set several different data on the computer control cabinet according to your own need. After pressing the button "Confirm", the machine can produce the panel automatically according to the set data. The molding plate surface smooth and not easy to be marked when it is being stamped. So it is easy to install. The product conforms to National Steel Construction Building Standard.

B.Featuresof this producing line:
·lower cost
·high efficiency
·reliable working 
·low enrgy onsumption

C.processing  flow
decoiler-roll forming-cutting- receive table

D.Equipmen tparts
·Feeding plat form
·Roll forming machine
·Automatic shearing system
·Hydraulic system
·Computer control system (imported computer)
·High-precision automatic counter

·Productivity: 10-18m
/min, 3500 m2/8hs
·Suitable process material: colored steel sheet, aluminium steel sheet, and galvanized steel sheet
E.Optional equipment:
·Manual uncoiler frame in different tons
·Hydraulic automatic uncoiler

F.Working space and workman for the equipment
·Ground-level land ·≥5T overhead travelling crane
·Space for storing the material
·Space for laying the machine
·Road for vehicle moving
·Workman: 2, operator and porter

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